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Power and Vanity

October 8, 2021, 9:00 pm

“How has my reputation benefited me? vain fame and pride and vain human works, go away! … The power of God lifts up the weak and turns the strong to weak.”

This program is based on spiritual and philosophical texts that show the humility of man in front of the divine power, with cantatas and arias for counter tenor and ensemble, as well as instrumental music by G.P.Telemann and J.S.Bach.

The friendship and appreciation shown by these two composers for each other is now well-known, with Bach being among the 294 who contributed to the publication of Telemann’s collection of 12 Paris quartets, as well as having handwritten many cantatas of Telemann, in order to be saved. Two great but different composers of the same period, to whom the history and evolution of music undoubtedly owes a lot.


Stamatis Pavlous – countertenor
Anastasia Miliori – baroque violin
Kira Saplachidou – transverse flute
Nikos Nikolaidis – baroque cello
Alex Mastichiadis – harpsichord


French Institute in Athens, Greece
October 8 at 21:00 / free online YouTube premiere available for 48h




October 8, 2021
9:00 pm
Event Category:


Live on YouTube


Athens Baroque Festival

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